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Jul 2017
oh i'm not being smug about it...
this article about a former
soldier, gay, tuning into
the london "vibe" of chem-***:
g.b.l., m.d.m.a.,
      something akin to
ammonia? cheaper drinking
****... ah! mephedrone...
no you're cool, i prefer my amber and
my schadenfreudekichert...
why the **** did i write it as
englosh -
    was it loshed or lashed
that mean you were
drunk silly in essex spreschen?
can't remember.
i love german,
it's like writing
    organic compound
schematics! there's that oomph!
in it it...
          probably the best
way to take the **** out of a people
that say sorry too many times,
and have these psychiatric
orientation about eye-contant
within a commute -
  the ****? hardly conscious of it
in the first place...
   whatch'ah lookin' ut, ya mug?
that's an imitation of a scot
breeding with a cockney accent...
ooh... sore-e, sore-e... chirpsing
(flirting) with it...
but talk some chem-deutsche,
better still... spell it!
           the anglo-saxons reduced
the original schwäbischdeutsche
into shrapnel...
         the only place where
deutscherbschaft (german legacy)
exists in the english tongue:
is in chemistry...
              only chemistry expresses
the legacy of originating in german
for the anglo-sax...
        yeah... you do that,
i'm doing it now... i'm counting,
for some reason german words teach
you arithmetic of syllables,
and becoming a surgeon at the same time...
most notable when drunk,
e.g.? schwäbischdeutsche
well **** my silly jim...
              are more letters popping out
of their oyster-surd-shells?
              next thing you know,
         i'll be speaking mollusk, via french!
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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