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Jul 2017
just because you were ***** at 40+ and acted like a bunch of teenagers without adequate protection... don't you ******* blame me for the malnutrition of humanity you conceived... no! *******! i'm not paying or giving any respect for these brain-dead, souless bodies!*

oh, i find the anglophone world, very "stalinistic", i find the anglophone word, abusive in terms of applied psychiatry, and their capitalistic pharmacological economy... it would seem that even close friends, friends from childhood, are zombified to find a complex text (which they can't seem to comprehend): as a sign of some "mental illness"... my my... the anglophone realm has become so oppressive that it doesn't even recognise itself as being such: for it states one fundamental flaw in its perception: as long as people can buy, and have a steady supply of "things": no harm can be do unto them. my my... what a strange coincidence, that someone who graduated with a chemistry degree... is actually treated like a mentally impaired "creature" and is thrown into the dock with window-lickers: who laugh and expose their genitals publicaly... my my... ain't that sumthin'! gotta write this **** down, this "west is the best" mantra, that's choking me and... oh didn't you know what the gun laws in england are? there are currently 500,000+ gun ownsership licences in england... so much for the english vanity project of being polite, and somehow feeling "superior"... throw me in with the retards?! nothing against them... sure... oooh blood's boiling that if you dipped me into the nile, you'd get your first plague; a word for the less eager to "imagine" - don't you start reading complex texts, if you can't solve a mild / difficult sūdokú, enjoying both tier of complexity... y'ah... actually enjoying them.*

there's any theory of solving a sūdokú,
   a recurring theme, it seems,
i don't know when i'll stop thinking about
           think about what?
   who can find me a better d.j. while
you're at it, but i doubt it...
   and yes, to find a fourth number
you need (x, x, x) i.e. --> (x, x, x), x...
    but obviously to find the other five
xs - you require the diamond of
       (μ, ε, τ, α, φ, o, ρ, ι, κ) /
  the lemniscate (∞) & the εντεκα
   of the πεντε and εξι (akin to
the roman 69, in zodiac? pisces -
or twin akin, side by side rather than
the zodiac inversion of DoG -
   or what god there be is to be a devil,
and of what god to seek and plead for
is bound to the second standard:
   god's devilish pontius pilate imitation:
i was my hands clean!)
  but there already exist two graphemes
of the greek Π: akin to the hebrew
tetragrammation's H -
           φ (phi)    &    ψ (psi)...
ah yes! the name becomes the embodied
     fascination with adjective forms,
        and hence: the arithmetic change:
from meta(φ)or and the 7 heads -
   back into the sūdokú puzzle of 9 digits
and caesar's thumb.
that's how finish my puzzle,
   i found it easier to burn my eyes with
the greek alphabet...
              so i could more easily look at numbers...
after all... isn't the latin text
littered with holes?
                  as are numbers...
     there are but three "major" holes in
greek script are: β, o, α - beta, omicron, alpha;
  the "minor"? well, that would imply
δ (delta) & σ (sigma) -
                               αβoδες (abodes)
          of the 72nd fraction of the peer's eye.
so let's begin:
    if you really want to solve these puzzles,
you'll really need to be able to read the greek...
just so you can dissociated the current
numbers from the latin encoding -
    it was somehow much simpler to craft
grand architectural realms of interests
when 4 was but a IV,
   and 10 was but an X...
   rest assured...
                          you will get a lot of science
with the current numbers...
  but not a great load of breath-taking arichtecture...
   you will encounter several optical "illusions"
when remembering the greek alphabet...
mind you: that's better than what
they teach you in primary school with
the times-table... and: lo! behold! a calculator!
the difficulty in photographically memorising
greek comes as points
    ξ / χ           i.e.              xi   & chi
  ν / υ        i.e.          nu     &      upsilon
   (it's hard to keep the v & u apart) -
Υ / γ       i.e.        gamma & upsilon -
                (you need the nouns stressed,
rather than the latin "digits" invoked) -
     ε & η? (epsilon & eta)?
         a bit like omicron and omega -
   ε = ω (pool, poondering) -
            η = o (pond, pondering) -
                  hence a siamese replacing
diacritical needs.
                       phi (Φ) and theta?
key and a keyhole:
   but a key into a keyhole (Φ)
   and then turn it to open the door: Θ (theta) - O -
oh look... the current fascination with
the i             has actually become useful...
it can actually disintegrate in the current
realm of psychological "theory" that somehow
managed to hold onto the latin "ego";
imagine that!
                      what was once freudian
in the trinity realm of: ego, superego, id,
in my realm reads as the tetragrammaton
   of:    I, Φ, Θ... O...
      **** me if this won't become a fraternity
house emblem... ha ha!
  you want pleasure from a sūdokú puzzle?
learn the greek alphabet...
  un-numb the numbers that seem so akin
to latin text!
invoke what is otherwise parallel to 6 & 9 -
the zodiac sign of pisces -
                         or that confusing artifact
for the eye: dpd|b (180°) -
               with the last remaining
copernicus symbol missing to allow the full
circle (360°), invoking the b... ah, but yes!
the chirality of                              yh | wh
also apparent in the dpd|b (180°):
    in each half: half over every half's
worth: divide.
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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