Don’t assume today will be tomorrow That the present is the past Or that people can’t see you when you’re hiding
They see you when you’re hiding Like the nails pierced so far through your wall, They are hard to let go of and so hard to get back Impossible creates a body and hovers over your every move
Acts like it can comfort you Acts like it knows you
When in reality it doesn’t know you like comfort Doesn’t know you stay between the walls of familiarity And only talk to similarity
When you find escape of stretched out fields And rows of corn, long and reminiscent
Relaxation strikes and you feel good It’s when the eyes are burning through your back That you don’t like It’s the wind’s harsh voice, when it nests in your stomach that you Can’t take The vibration of screaming and wrongdoing that keeps you up The reason you move is the cloud of hope, The bubble of hope that grows bigger and takes so little to burst