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Jul 2017
Scrolling has never been
Something I do
Blanking out is also new
I've always been aware
Always making good use of my time
Now I've lost myself
Losing my sense of wonder
Has left my hands holding on
To nothing but sand
Every grain pouring through my fingures
My goals are just figures
In the distance that's accelerates
Away from me and my main stream
My determination
Passion will and I were once
A dream team
Covered the most ground in the least
Amount of time
We left our opponents in the dust
But at the end of every game
No matter what went down
Shook hands with them
Our pride left on the field
Our palms connect as a thank you
For the challenge
That was a great thing to be
But my members left me
One by one till it was just me
And passion
Pitch Hiker
Written by
Pitch Hiker  19/F/United states
(19/F/United states)   
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