A child arrives today... Unencumbered, new life in your world No dreams yet, ideas, are still light years away Your image of them has yet to be unfurled Perfect, amusing, not knowing what's to come No imprints have been made, a blank slate in your arms You promise the world, to keep your child safe Unknown situations set off your new alarms Taking their world in, they look up wide eyed The world that they see is one that you will shape But now as you hold them, and watch them drift to sleep This bundle of wonder makes your eyes go all agape This child has changed you, it's already plain to see You take in all you see, remember each moment as it goes A blank slate, unpainted canvas, waiting to be formed You see your mum's eyes, and also your father's nose You're full of dreams and ambitions of who this child will be You have so much to tell them, a lifetime to be friends Experiences are waiting, but now....they need to rest You kiss your new child, your miracle...say Amen There is one more thing say....Welcome and Hello.