i was born into a generation immune to tragedy, conditioned, we have been made, to calamity. hearts hardened by television images, minds numb at the sight of pained visages. i was born into a generation wrought with fear, for the end of the world is coming near. whether by anthropogenic atmospheric grumblings, or symbols of american freedom crumbling, the earth is no longer our home. a place where mind, body, and spirit are subject to torment, and every child's aspirations must lie dormant. the world, as i know it, is an unwelcoming place, no matter what your sexuality, age, gender, or race. our forefathers have pillaged our once overflowing pockets to fulfill empty goals on lofty campaign dockets. what is left is ours to fix, though not by choice, and nobody knows if "they" hear our voice. i was born into a generation less than "Great", yet it is only we who can determine our fate.