I sip another orange juice instead of an alcoholic beverage because I don’t want to be less than the current me, intoxicated and reacting sloppily.
Still, I engage the girl at the bar clumsily half-jokingly insulting myself because I am to nervous. She gives me a few moments then turns to the drunk guy on her other side.
The clash of music versus music sounds a discordant wave of chaos punishing my eardrums but giving me a good excuse to creep away with all the grace of the Star Trek, X-men, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer nerd I am.
The off-duty bouncer soberly killing time working on a tattoo design with his son’s initials takes a break to educate me on what I need to do to approach other women. Three things he confides in me confidence, and smelling good but I lost the third.
Off to my right in the dim bar lights disembodied voices from the other side of the small grey door beckons me forth to explore a universe of unknown melodies. I do not venture there. Instead, I listen to the high heels that clank in competition with the loud mouth drunks losing out to the dull conversation of drab businessmen.