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May 2012
Thoughts are overflowing, spilling out on to the page
Some are filled with humour and some are filled with rage
I try not to keep them bottled up, I let them all go free
'cause when I keep them deep inside, they all play hell with me
I'm not sure if my writing's good, but, still I write it down
Do I call myself a poet or am I just a clown
I used to keep things hidden, where others can not see
But now I need to let them out, or else I'd cease to be
About four years or so ago, I kept my feelings in
If I'd let them out four years ago, I'd really be quite thin
You see I had a heart attack, a small one all the same
I then was told to let things out, or I'd be exiting this game
He said "you're fooling no-one, your lying to your self"
"this one was a warning, the next will put you on the shelf"
I had to find an outlet that wouldn't cause me stress
I had to come to terms with me....and make my troubles less
I worked on through my issues and the pain it went away
And except for some small flare ups, I feel better now today
Go and yell at nothing when you're walking in the park
Just don't let people see you, go and do it in the dark
For when somebody sees you standing screaming at a tree
They'll lock you up so ****** fast, before you count to three
Take some time to calm yourself, watch tv or read a book
go and take some photographs, wash the car, learn to cook
For if you do what I did, and you keep it all inside
You may not be so lucky, we may find out that you've died
Try to live each day through as though it was your last
But, remember all the days before, think about your past
You are not being macho when you will not even cry
You're only speeding up the trip to the day that you will die
If this poem can give you anything, and you want to talk to me
I may be out, down at the park, standing yelling at a tree!
Inspired by my cardiologist.
Roger Turner - Poet
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
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