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May 2012
Madness is a fine line
You don't know if you've crossed
You don't know if it's happened
You don't know what you've lost
The words that am I hearing
Let me know that I'm not dead
The problem with the words
Is that they're all inside my head
People say I might be crazy
My writing does inspire
I know that I'm not lazy
I'm walking a tight wire
It's just there's other voices
I hear that mean I'm sane
I just know all these voices
Are stuck inside my brain.
I see things slightly different
I look from the outside
I might not see what you do
But my view is much more wide
I don't know if I've lost it
My marbles might be gone
But the voices I am hearing
Are singing a nice song.
I'm not saying I'm a genius
I just can't stop my mind
I know that what I'm writing
Just helps me to unwind
It's funny how sometimes though
I think it may be true
But out of all the voices
None of them is you.
One thing about the voices
Is what they sometimes say
They speak in different accents
They try to show the way
The good thing about madness
Is you never know you've reached
Across sanity's border
Because your mind's now on the beach
I hope that I'm not crazy
It wouldn't be much fun
To not know all the voices
Are really me...the only one!
Roger Turner - Poet
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
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