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Jul 2017
why do people still cling to the post-socratic
notion entombed
      in the two branches of aristotle
and plato - that you can teach something -
where in fact you can only teach
people nothing -
      by saying, likewise:
  you can't teach philosophy, you have to
live it...
   and yes, the systematic approach of
writing tracts, hinting at solipsism,
         working toward the divine res per se -
also invoke the geometry of both
the halo and the wheel...
      for if you read closely,
establishing a systematic argument /
foundation, you also establishing
an avalanche effect of becoming
               inexhaustible in effort, and so
too in output...
           yet such thinking only arises
when you find a 20th century titan
with an appreciation for poetry, well:
a respect, that on the balance of libra
outweighs a love for -
   that allows the camel the needle's eye
path in squeezing into a state of
pleasing agitation...
                  only when you find someone
beyond the poets' poet,
namely a poets' philosopher -
     someone who can guide you onto
a path of the inability to exhaust
    the polygrammatic use of language -
or thereby finding it;
             of course: da-sein,
   but there's a there beyond a posit
or known coordinate...
        what's covert about this concept is
not exactly a there,
               but the depth of a there -
and yet, that forever pressing
post-scriptum of the british empire -
that pompous affair of quested for
superiority - reduced to nothing more
than a post-colonial-stress-disorder -
    a neurotic golum of
as taught by the angevin dynasty's fold,
instigated by a sickly augustus;
certain strengths blind,
           while certain weaknesses enlighten;
that said,
  you can't be taught anything of
a disconcerting nature -
        for who would dare to learn a logic
of confining agitation, uncertainity -
                           and rick?
                    which is why most people prefer
the simpler threats of such ontology -
haggling in a market,
                                      or gambling!
in writing this, what have i learned?
absolutely nothing, i gambled with
a blank piece of paper, and this is the gambler's
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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