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Jul 2017
My soul will wait in the shadows until the day it can see your light next
A chariot of grace and comfort will bring me back to you
My heart will ache each day you are gone
Until it may once more collide with yours and light the world on fire
If there was one thing I could say to you it would be as follows

Are more than I will ever be
You are the forest which gives my lungs the air to breathe
All of the earth congregates to you for your wisdom and strength to keep growing
Life comes to you for guidance and solace

Me To You
I want to keep you grounded
Never to hold you back, but to always show you where your heart would be welcome
I want to be the source of your life and nourishment
To keep you alive and well so your trees may prosper
Love me with with all of you, and together we, may make something beautiful.
Written by
Mya  21/F/Wherever Souls Wander
(21/F/Wherever Souls Wander)   
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