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Jul 2017
Campbell Soup Can
Self portrait
Alone by the camera
Attached to lines formed with illumination
A true artist of his time
He surely did shine
Suggesting everyone gets 15 minutes of fame
True art in a symbolic fashion
Seeking the latest trend
All the high hobs would visit him
Was visited by Morrison then asking him to answer a phone from God
Very calm deep aura that he shined
Sound the alarm on the sophisticated social butterfly's of society
His hair was always sticking up at the sides
Always had some dark hidden secret he wanted to hide
Movies was his vent
Colorful decorated pieces of vast extreme
Warhol absorbed life and was never found to be mean
He took us on a mind blower through excerpts of time
Filtered through the very notion of Marlyn in disguise
We all will never forget his taste of magical interludes
Mario William Vitale
Written by
Mario William Vitale  48/M/Wolcott, Ct
(48/M/Wolcott, Ct)   
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