well, thank **** that western "communists" have a blatant disregard for reading... they see a book, they think brick! now that's lucky... it's good that these people are not well versed... makes my presence all the more easier... and they are "communists"... not once have i seen these "communists" looting libraries, like dogs let off their chains, raveging for some sort of skill in mastering or enforcing a threshold for acceptable vocabulary... evidently the infamous arbeit macht frei requires a resurrection; since the things they're looting, and "thus" making a "communist" statement of: i have no use or desire for, in terms of usage, or ownership.
why is modern "dialectics" peppered with so many apologies? it's like that *alfred jarry joke in the exploits of dr. faustroll (troll... a common misnomer, esp. when invoked by women concerning men, who have zyklonesque opinions) - yes, i agree, oh i'm so sorry, no, i disagree, oh i'm so sorry... what's the difference between opinions and beliefs? beliefs are fixed, ******* onto your ******* cranium like a kippah donning jew... opinions? finicky... a flag on a pole with a strong wind... picky... nauseating... hence the "sceptics" having this relish-fetish attacking a stone asking it: move like a snail! budge! budge a little! the problem with atheists and sceptics is that they're always changing clothes... they panic if they're not finicky enough... what does the priest do? he wears the same ******* clothes monday to sunday... this lack of dogmatic cohesion in the atheistic community is becoming a ******* yawn... the religious community? that was already a yawn to begin with; but at least you could sneak in a 35cl bottle of ***** into a church, sit in the back benches and say: **** your sacrament... it's not strong enough!