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Jul 2017
The Will To Live

There is a perilous thought in mind,
The desire to go on is gone,
The need to be needed, dissipates

Past the wasteland of this empty existence lies a baron field of clay
Clay that was once rich soil,
Soil that breathed life into green grass,
grass that bloomed fragrant flowers,

Flowers that swayed in gentle, cooling breezes,
The breezes are now violent
Sandy windstorms blow the decay of burning anger and
echoes of lies that grow larger and louder with time

Why keep trying to make them understand ?
Why keep trying to convince, only you
There's no reason to dwell in the past, but from the past
we build strength and action

The past can destroy hope for the future if clung too tightly to
We try to let go, but cannot
by letting go,
there is an emptiness in the soul that can never be filled

What a mortal conflict
Will it ever end ?
Mario William Vitale
Written by
Mario William Vitale  48/M/Wolcott, Ct
(48/M/Wolcott, Ct)   
     Kim and rose
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