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Jul 2017

the marinate for pork...
already mentioned:

olive oil, garlic paste, light brown sugar,
   honey, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce,
ketchup, ginger paste, cinnamon,
     cayenne pepper...

       how can you speed-up
the marinating process?
       sure, in the fridge the whole mix
goes... but in a plastic bag, sealed,
   removing as much oxygen in the bag
                                        as possible...
to quicken the marinating process,
  you have to suffocate the ingredients...
quasi-deoxidiße the whole bag...
      and what does a lack
of oxygen provide in low temperatures?
rhetorical question...
    then you massage the marinate
into the meat...
                   but like i said:
  you want to quicken the marinating
                  everything in a plastic bag...
sealing it, pushing any available air from
the bag, and into the fridge...
  i'd say an hour...
                   boom! out comes beijing pork,
out comes mao tse tung finger-licking good
on the bbq;
the idea came to me after drinking
about 35cl of ***...
                 not bad... compared with other
addicts, we're slightly (insert snigger)
     more industrious than ****** addicts...
see a skinny alcoholic, i'll play you
the game of poker-face, before someone
cracks up (no, no cards involved)...
yummy yummy...
   who would have thought that
         oxygen slowed down the marinating
         side dish? even yummier...
lettuce... creme fraiche, a dip or two of mayo,
salt, pepper, and... WHA! white vinegar
and sugar... which lettuce?
   1 little gem and 1 romaine...
  the carbs? a baguette...
           my my, cigarettes taste so much better
after a meal you made yourself,
and fried on the barbie...
                          cooled down with a breeze
and a beer.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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