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Jul 2017
There's a person

                That tells me I'm sweet,

   That I am a good person,

        They never say anything about me,

      And that I should never listen

To what others say

                 I'd cry and ask her why

     I feel this way

And tell how it hurts that

     I don't know what to do

        But I was told by another to be

Prepared for the worst,

             He was never mine,

     And don't let it bring me down

But if I go any further


             I think I'd hit some

      Of these people's


And I wonder how he could change

            Or maybe he hasn't

Will time ever tell?

              Stay tuned
You didn't expect me to say that?
Written by
bluevelvet  24/the same as you
(24/the same as you)   
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