oh poopee p'ooh... please don't distract me from what could never be your fancy of worth interests that i find more to be my taste, esp. in terms of sunday mornings and a smashed t.v. and a radio that hasn't been turned on... it's hard to feel jealous when there's this thing called mob-rule... or at least that one aspect that can turn itself into a fickle prescence that desires protests... funny... some people deserve graves... others, statues... i wonder which party has an r.i.p. acronym engraved above their name... as so many are laid to rest, the few are being kept awake and constantly agitated to give answers... ah... communism makes even more sense in a graveyard than when being applied to resurrecting nations like those waiting nations akin to syria... the collective hush... the forest of marbles and of other less precious stones... then again... animate the dead by cremating them and into the fire, rather than the earth, and hey presto! 1 billion blue indians!