I've done a lot of stuff in my life, been to many places and met so many Great, Wonderful and Loving folks. I get to do one of my passions, perform, plays, movies, TV, dance, sing, smiling while doing it and get others to smile. The one Great passion I've gotten to learn and experience is Love. Learn is not really the right word because Love has always been with me but I opened up to Loving myself, other people, things, situations...just everything. I Love to much at times, but that's okay because you really can't put limits on Love...it's unconditional and unlimited. I share as much as I can and find there is still much to learn about Loving! I watch and listen to how others express Love. Though it's all the same energy, we all express it in so many different ways, on so many different levels. Once I got this into my head, my heart, my soul, it made so many others things seem easy. "What would Love do Now?" This is the question I ask in every moment...even when I'm being a little ****.