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May 2012
Dying’s not the problem
There's nothing for me to solve
It’s in the living
Where we need to evolve

We crawled together
Caterpillars on leaves
We found each other
And shared our dreams

We knew our place in life
And dared for more
We had a sense
Of what was in store

Would it be life after death
Or some kind of revelation?
Like grandparents alone on a porch
We yearned for transformation

How can you believe in what you cannot imagine?
Faith is so hard in a world so unrevealing
We see our limitations and wish for something more
So we separate our fate into a coffin of our own making

Is she thinking of me while I suffer?
Is she sad and lonely too?
Something though is happening to me
There is something that I must do
I cannot share a moment so private and personal
And yet this is about what two people can be
As revealed truth emerges will she be waiting?
Will a memory allow my life to be free ?

It is time to fly now
The past is over

Who will fly with me?
Who will be my mate?

I am bathed in a gentle kiss
From a shadow that knows
Of the past and of a dream
As together we choose our rose
For God has answered our prayers
The crawlers have risen
We have shed our fears
And into our souls our love has been woven
Mark Lecuona
Written by
Mark Lecuona
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