In my youth, I ran to the desert. She welcomed me as one of her own, taught me many things, loved me in her own unforgiving way.
The years I spent in her arms saved me from many deaths. I learned patience, and harshness learned to welcome all things as gifts from a God I couldn't see... so I thought....
I lied to myself, and was alone though God and the desert and it's spirits walked alongside me my heart never grew.
And now that I have come back, I don't know how to hold everything in my heart.
I learned to live on ideas; real love was an abstract memory, something that cost blood and horror and betrayal.
I told myself what love was out there in the sands, when in truth..... I could barely open my heart to the beauty of a sunset.
Nothing has prepared me for this, walking out of the wastes to find my own people waiting for me.
I have seen terrible things, and so have they; I don't know how to open my heart to so many.
Jellaludin said to write what we are most afraid of so I shall write that. I hope Shams approves.
I always say that one day things will be different, that we can change the world as if it was the world that needed changing,
In truth, I am the one that needs to change, I am the one who must take the leap, I must step out over the abyss and believe that it's about something more.
I am not afraid of the dark within myself, my shadow I have come to terms with. I am afraid of hurting those that have tried to love me, whom I haven't allowed.
But that day I always yearned for, the day when the world rolled back, and the fountain gave of itself, the day I decide to let my love **** me that day is today.