a caged barbaric beast sat alone the conclave of its hold to the darkest order suffice to say it broke from its chains & walked at night roaming the streets of Liverpool in vengeance for blood
long hanging viscous fangs that fright dripping blood off side we hide the torrents of water flowing from a nearby spring a fare maiden waits on the edge of the lamp poll
out of curiosity she wanders away aimlessly into the street in full view of the beast she stand motionless words can't express her terrified thoughts sifting inside her she bravely hold forth her sphere
violently glancing off the head of the beast blackened death of screams come forth then disappears a parting quest to put the beast to rest was this all an illusion or a figment of imagination
She stands victorious with words expressed of joy to carry on her wayward search into the night once again a pillage of taunt residue sifting through the ******* only to use the sphere out of real need or necessity
A blaze of glory to a magical sphere Such a heroic impulse saved the vast domain