Feeling comfortable in your skin having calm with what God gave is the challenge of mortal folk aggravated by commerce when are we swayed by the lies instead of listening to our chums.
Society sets the highest bars asking pockets to turn outward to buy products most don’t need imploring us to hate what’s seen love coming from a jar of cream this is a falsehood advertised.
Turn aside from this farce it’s not why we’re here to live celebrate self by due recourse with the friends who truly love these are your allies, not the sales sharing smiles for who you are.
2017. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20170701.
The disconnect between the beauty we have, and what we see, is often due to the standards presented by the commercial realm. Sometimes, to appreciate our own beauty, we need to look at ourselves through a friend’s eyes instead of basing our self-worth on self-serving merchants.