Why keep trying? When did it stop or was it ever?
Action, words, smiling, laughing, tears.
Not the same, all the same, perspective.
Today - new. Same old thing? Maybe, go.
Why stay? Sorry. Not. Sad, happy, kinda, not sure.
Light, where's the light.
Understanding...trying. letting go...trying.
Believing, continuing why?
Two trying, good. One trying, not so good.
Not a lie. Just a story...not the whole story.
One day Great Love. Next day Great Hate...they are so close.
Come here. No to close.
Back away. To far.
Don't go, stay.
Get it right. Don't know what's right but get it right.
Do you have to be abused to love? Put down, ignored, made small?
Don't think I can do that but at least I will know.
Assuming, projecting, judging, labeling...who are we today? Who am I today? Who are you today?
We have the right. Choices. Change...but grow.
Rules change. The game. When change happen in your game, let others know.
To much, stop now. No think, stop now. Just light...light the way. See the way. Move forward. Smile again. Good day. Laugh again...let go. ADVENTURE...it's all an Adventure.