What if we're just a gap to fill the emptiness of a person? A gap that will make them feel like a whole again A gap to fill in for someone because another human being had tore them apart And so they feel nothing but numbness because the other has left and has took their heart with them A gap so they wouldn't feel lonely or abandoned A gap that makes us feel like we're being used, so that the other person would feel better about themselves A gap that someone has replaced us with because they've got plans that weren't fulfilled with another
And so I think Maybe we do these things too We have this gap that needs to be filled in So that life wouldn't be so bad as it seems Maybe we might be using another to get over someone else Or a gap to be able to move on But this gap, something that helps us not feel so alone in this world We all do it and we all have it And that's just the cycle of life
So what if you're just a gap to someone else? Maybe they're just a gap to you too? But it's scary to think sometimes that you might just be a gap for that person, so that they wouldn't feel empty But that person isn't just a gap to you, they actually make you feel like a whole And so we move on with life and find someone else to fill in that gap because of the pain of another individual brought upon us