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Jun 2017
so little, allows, so much.

as is my white hand,
extended into the
   with five maggot inklings
to fathom
   a human form:
of the otherwise demand
and demeaning be:
       what can, and cannot
be grasped,
         for in ultimatum,
   there is no choice...
principium satanus,
there never was a choice
to begin with...
          it would always
have been an amalgamate
    excuse to construct a genesis,
i.e. to begin with,
        with anything at all;
hence the cross-eyed satan...
to glorify one crime
  in the e.g. that's thieving
        that's the myth of robin
   of sherwood...
    and then some other crime...
esp. that of ******...
      thus toward the magnetic
ethics of *and and and and
           that crass relativism...
   and our inability to craft
a hierarchy of worthy disputes...
     better still, avoiding
a dialectic, by simply
fashioning a figure-head of
authority, with a crown...
            and sealing,
or rather licking the stamp
and the envelope's edge
        to be sent, along with teddy
the conversationalist
    boor, the forgiver,
                  the crucified one,
  the over-quoted prefect-qualm.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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