"have you notice that there are some people that only come to you when they need something..."
'Yes, I know. But do you know how wonderful it feels that when someone needs help or Love, you are one of the first people they think off.Β Β It makes me realize; I am doing something right! and yes, I also know some people call me foolish because of it. hehehehehe...I call myself foolish at times but I've come to accept that I would rather be "a fool for Love" than "a fool for hate". In being an ole fool, I know where to draw the line.. where Loves begin' silence....
You see, what I do, how I help others is because I want to. My foundation is Love and goodness. What we all come to this place with and in Love and goodness but as we grow older we forgets. I Am here to help. To Be...Me.