Body electric From the edges of my fingers To the borders of my toes Tight with tension as a bright flame flashes in the dark Orange burst illuminates and then dies Bright glow gives way to pitch black Cloudy smoke shifts in the dark wind Laughter choked with coughs of the abysmal fumes of ecstasy Orange flits into being again and extinguishes just as quickly The tree shift nervously in the breeze Fresh air washes away the smog Bringing a beautiful clear scent Like cotton candy on the wind Laughter again Loud and hectic As we tumble out and onto the street Stumbling over our own feet Moon bright World bright in the darkness Follow the din of crushed beer cans and crackling logs Warmth in their smiles and the flames As each greets us in turn Here all begins and ends tonight Love, laughter, and sorrow drowned Spinning wildly in the cold wind Stumbling around in a desperate search Circled by leaves and wind And paranoid ramblings Moon larger brighter On the warm wind These are the nights