ethnic on the mic what is your ethnicity? “white” is not an ethnicity it is a social construct that means “not a slave” meant to bring indentured servitude back into the liberty of white supremacy caucasian is a made up fairy tale how can I trust whiteness when it cares only about not having anything to do with slavery ? it thinks it can stop the dialogue the freedom fight simply by declaring it is white that is insane and dissociative because a very thin layer of reflection covers everything and you give it the depth that you think it should have saying you are white has no depth has no soul has no heritage no lineage just the desperation of distancing oneself from the devastation genocidal process that it has demanded no one in the world other than Americans can smile and say they are white then expect silence and acceptance because only in America were people forced to be on the white team and brainwashed to think being white is an ethnicity like french Dutch German Swedish Uneducated nonsense unacceptable