why is the anglophone world freaking out about 2 million syrian migrants moving to germany? huh? anyone listen to rammstein's mein teil song about the german cannibal armin meiwes? yes, i would be worried, if i was eating a hamburger that had bits of syrian human flesh in it... great place to move the syrian migrant... right into the hands of post-holocaust cannibals... alongside the soundtrack of slayer's south of heaven's song: behind the crooked cross... i swear the public narrative is a "bit" awry... arthritic? skewed, for sure... you don't really want to travel to a land that harbours the devil... syrian thank you cards sent to saudi arabia, prior to the slaughter... more ferocious than assad's imagination or actual capacity... of **** me, what a slaughter... cows and pigs are treated with more respect... ever see the film hostel? it's probably happening now... ******* idiots... when the "vatican" of the islamic world, that's saudi arabia would have provided aid... they send them to a land, that's barbarism incarnate barbarism incarnate that excludes all sense of history... as the jews called it: a sorry affair... look at them... schizophrenic reunited... if you can't see kūrū building up... i don't know what you can see... one sort of barbarism serves another (sort of barbarism)... we need a plataeu after all, for a fair game... i don't under the mainstream media lament of syrian refugees storming germany... don't worry... i'm sure germany has plenty more armin meiwes... cannibals... all they seem to be thinking is: **** me! i'm going to save so much money frying ahmed for a month! all i'll need to buy is a bag of tatties, and some sprouts! really! applause! you sent these people into the most dangerous place on earth! don't know... oysters didn't bother me, neither did caviar... human? perhaps like a cow's tongue, so soft, so soft, in a horseradish cream sauce, with silesian nuggets of poached potato mingled with flour; yummy.