The mare in the yard is small, almost a pony, brown and white she used to be a fallen horse in western movies till she got arthritis in her hind legs, lost her jobs no severance pay, the film industry is a tough place for the less famous entertainers. I bought her for a cowboy ballad I had written, but the song was never performed since it was about llamas in Peru. I had left her in the shady yard with a pail of water, and pile of straws. The day had been hot she had slept standing up, shifting her weight from left to the right legs. She was awake now could hear hooves scraping on concrete, neighed softly calling my attention; took her to the far field, where the grass is greenest, she galloped about a bit, then after rubbing her behind against an olive tree settled down to do what retired horse actors do, grazing and dreaming of the old days.