Don't tell a rose how to grow, And The birds how to chirp. Don't tell your daughter to be soft, Don't tell your son how to hurt.
Don't tell the sky what color to bleed, And a person, the right way to grieve. Don't try to tame your daughter's tongue, Don't tell your son the manly ways to love.
Don't tell the wind which way to blow Or the clouds how hard to rain. Don't teach your daughter how to soak, Don't show your son how to easily reject.
Don't tell the sun to adjust its light Or the truth how to show itself. Don't tell your daughter it's feminine to shy, Don't teach your son how to reign with fists held high.
Don't tell a heart how to beat Or the mind how not to soar. Don't clip off your daughter's wings, To make them a foundation for your son to grow.
Don't tell a rose how to grow, Lest it decides to turn its petal into thorns. Don't tell the birds how to chirp And have their voices turn into rebellious growls.
Finally, one of my many poems was chosen as a daily. Just been a 5 years.
I still can't believe it.
Also, thank you for all your reviews and love. I still don't think I'm a poet, I just usually ramble. But I'm so glad you guys gave this poem such love. Means a lot.