The Repairman Cometh It was the sweetest of morning all I had to do was to pick up a car from the garage nothing is simple in the Africa’s stranglehold on Portugal, its relaxed attitude have seeped into the very corner of what is called the Portuguese endearing soul The car stopped I called the garage, alas it was lunch time which is sacred, oh yes they promised to come, the man I spoke to was chewing on a bone, I waited for three hours which is the time a lunch break takes. I was left sitting on a road far from a nearby café, but that is beside the point, many call this attitude charming folkloric even I think it demonstrate a lack of regard for Fellow man especially if he is the foreigner and it is a well-known fact the Portuguese are fine people, they tell us so in every booklet you care to read But there is another picture of Portugal on my mind The atrocity their army committed and the following cowardice By the leadership is forgotten in a common amnesia and the young will ask a question; Father: what did you do in Angola besides poring cement down hotel drains out of pure spite.