faith is a battle we face it day by day humble yourself to bow the knee to pray some may insist it doesn't have to be that way we each have been given a gift called life
one seed planted in the ground in time root spring up out of the fertile soil like taking it long watching water to boil he stand at each of our hearts and knocks
not telling you to join a church but that's still good look inside we have no reason to run away & hide gay, straight, white & black we tend to overreact to his message of love
comes from the hand of God from above abortion is ****** the innocent slaughter in their mother's womb We have to accept the whole gospel message not just bits and pieces with what we do today will become evident throughout eternity
his love is such that he suffered so much just to call some of us to follow... he came to open are hearts turn us from darkness onto light & from the power of Satan onto God that we may have forgiveness of sins and inheritance among us that is sanctified through grace that is in him...