Dark and foreboding I run down an empty street. The misdeed is done and I have gotten away with it. My stick figure of a self blends in with the night scape of dimly lit alleys and building corners. In something that seems akin to a dream, I feel the sweat trickle down my neck. The night air sits cold around me as I disappear into the rising mist. My foot steps quietly echo on the pavement as I slither back into my hole. The sewer grate clangs shut above me, I wander back into the damp and cold. Block by block I lurch forward, into the night as dark as a grave. No clue to my misdeed can be found, nor will anyone miss the life that I have taken. Into my basement I crawl, up through the sewer vent. Quietly I return to my abode, my body covered in a murderer's sweat. Carefully I wash off the stench of my deeds, I do not miss a spot. I bag the dark shroud that hid my soul from prying eyes that might try to look on. Into the furnace go the clothes, then comes the knock at the door. A still silence falls over me, as I rise from the darkness once more. Lighting a candle I go to see who is about at this hour, I open the door to find the police, I look on with a fearful scowl. How did they find me, I cannot imagine. I did everything to perfection I am sure, then it hits me like the falling of a hang mans noose, I left my ****** knife on the victims floor.