She enjoys being a little more than a handful Bright and brilliant in ways most only dream about Attaining a sense of mystery with added wonder That is all her own Dripping wet velvet verse *** on stilts Never learning how to turn it down Or if she even had the ability No, her talents did not lay in the realm of constraint But in that of the exotic, obnoxious, aroused and uninhibited She never met a soul she could not charm Or one that she could not ****** Cracking open their fragile shells like oysters Flooding them with compliments Softening their regard Then quickly slurping out their mettle with a talented tongue She will leave you weak kneed Your mouth wet and dry at the same time Unable to make up its mine Whispering her name as you are left staring after her Breathing deeply of the cloud of her perfume In her eyes you thought you saw heaven In her smile you know you saw hell