We are our addictions If not we wouldn't be willing to Bleed so quick On an endless search to find like minded companies When we are successful we dig in Casting out whitty barb edged hooks Exotic, ****** verse to shock and ensnare I can feel yours just as easily as I feel myself sinking into you Our chaotic experience of the waking world Leaked out on paper, line after scathing line Consume. Saturate. Devour. Paralyze. We soak up the mysteries. The miseries. And everything in between Sharing and tearing Scaring and airing Naked. Open. Bare. Our soul fire burns up quick and bright like coal The smoke often just as ***** Eclipsing preconceived notions You know nothing of our dark pleasures Aching secrets that have us wandering into the night In search of something. Thousands of words but never enough Always searching for something Our indulgences outweigh your pride We will air your laundry too, uncaring Just enough to shame and cower Our only vulnerability is our inability to succeed from our talents For it is only in death that we find **immortality