the best prescriebed: out-of-context; i hope someone finds the equivalent of *out-of-context to the per se that automates itself as thing-in-itself.
i guess it will have to be me to coin the phrase in pig-latin... ex-ex-context?
**** me, a doubling on latin prefixes?! that's asking for something that's far beyond an ask for war... i think that's asking for garlic, or spanish onions... something you can dice, and not cry over... ***** whine ******* of gnaw pork; feel any better, mmm hmm? no? too bad; we're going to tango; nonetheless.
oh **** me, i need another drink... this isn't really a bothersome topic of discussion for me... i'm not even 70 to mind it... ever fulfilling a fruitition of an essay's worth of weight... ****'s just boring the hell out of me... i'm turning around asking my shadow: you entertained? the shadow turns at me, and looks at my saying: do i ******* look like humphrey bogart? oh oh, watch me... is this a kangaroo nodding?! ( ) (it's called a time-frame, of hollywood imagery, so you get a chance to imagine the joke). ******* ponce; and that's only my shadow talking.