Night terrors I experienced for the first time something sitting on my chest I'm unable to breathe as a figure changes from beautiful to horrid monster I run through an empty house no furniture just walls and carpet dark and it is nightfall I can't run fast and I feel something following me creeping slowly towards me I run to my room, safety with one lamp and a bed but I am not alone I lay next to someone and try to wake them but they are not real and they too turn to a ghastly figure of frightening face and black aura. I am trapped in a place I cannot escape. I finally free myself from my sleep and find I wasn't breathing it is morning. I am alive and in my room I am not in Texas but I am free. Why was I so terrified and why when I drifted back to sleep did I still sit in this tormented demented dark memory? It is the first nightmare I have had in a long time and I know why.