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Oct 2018

Red ribbons.
Such as my thread of fate is malleable,
They toy with it.
Twist and bend and cut.
To their desire;
Without consideration of me;
Or what I would feel
To them, I am obsolete.
To truth, I am obsolete.
I cannot be saved.
I have accepted that fact.
All that's left of me is to suffer.
Good riddance.

What they are is unbeknownst to me.
What I am is unbeknownst to them.
They do not see the sadness behind the smiles.
They do not see the broken soul inside.
And I ponder if it is for the best.

"What makes you think I'm so special?"

If I would sail the stars,
I'll take you with me.
If I could get the world's fortune,
I'd give it to you, too.
Too bad
Written by
woolgather  23/Non-binary/Philippines
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