Don't ever slay that mighty dragon It's wings will crush you with the slightest movement And it's firey breath will curl around your head. You will not win.
Do nibble on the magic fungi It'll show you the unimaginable to dream upon And you'll find yourself in a fairytale with the pixies.
Don't plant those beans The ones in which you gave a cow for. The castle at the top of the stalk Is not worth your time.
Do burn the witch, not for all the wrong reasons. Let her teach you her black magic ways And if she decides to turn against you Then you have every right to lead her to the stake in chains.
Black cats are not bad luck. If they're nice, they're your friend Otherwise throw them under the ladder Or into a mirror.
The beast is not always a prince under the witches spell. Sometimes, he's just a ******* creep.
The knight in shining armor Is just a suit against a wall in the castle hallway.
The wolf is not always there for the baked goods in the straw basket. He wants more, your virginity maybe? He'll steal all he can take which is everything.
No ***** is ever as pretty as those princesses or damsels in distress. Most have the face of the witch With the mask of a beauty.