I take my time. When I was five, I got my first bicycle for Christmas. It had training wheels. I stopped every few feet and looked around. I don't know why I did that. I think I was tryingΒ Β to make sure I was doing it right, before moving forward. When I was ten, my coaches told me to have more confidence after they told me to **** in. When I was 19, I cried in front of my philosophy advisor and told him I had no idea what I wanted to do the rest of my life. He listened and then told me I was brilliant. He was the most brilliant man I knew. I try to convince myself I still have time to figure all this out, But my bank account says otherwise. All I want to do is learn. All they want me to do is do. All I want to do is pedal a bit and look around. All they want is me flooring it to be on time. I hate this culture. I should have been born somewhere else. Why doesn't anyone want to take their time? Why does everyone want to skim over life, and jump to conclusions about it. Why must we learn for some end. Why don't we have more time to sit and read books together. Why does it take me so long to read a book now. Why do I sometimes forget what the moon looks like. Can I jump into that home video and be that girl with helmet again? Can I jump back into my father's energy, when he told me to keep going? We all know the 90s were better, but what if now is much worse. I don't know anymore.. I don't... know.