Despite yesterday's view In retrospect my perspective was skewed Imbued by necessity the obligatory nature of my being let me know by the time we got married what I felt for you wasn't love In my head and in my heart I was in love with someone else What I felt for you was something else Worried about what people would think if I backed out and how I would be perceived if I Iet all the people we invited to wedding down I feel you suspected my feelings of wanting out So as the paint cracked And the lies of the facade seeped out Doubt crept in AND so begins a twisted malodorous case study Where the relationship that once existed The thing that brought life in this world all remnants remembrances and everything that went along with it withered All that remains is a child who's person and emotions are full of tread marks and darks stains Along with a relationship with her father that's depriving By a mother Constantly striving to lessen the idea of what it means to have a father Sedating relational ambitions Withholding notes and teachings Exhibiting passive aggression so aggressively that at 14 my daughter's subconscious tendencies of moments of directed anger toward me What I get see is a child with idea of what a Fathers means all I do I recognize the end game for you was a subterfuge After all these years in your fight against me You used our daughter as a guillotine Over something that for a long time has been over You win It's obvious to me that the power she you over my daughter means I won't have a true relationship with my babygirl until shes much, much older