As I flit from A to B - Candleford to Larkrise Laurieston to Gatehouse of Fleet I flit, spit from A to B Calling all Bluebells assist me in my move -11th May, '11 Let Fairy Fawn be fair and true and pure with humility For his Fairy Lu - La Fee Lu could get so blue if he is not on time
All praises Bluebells He is here
T'was but a year since I'd wished upon a Castramond Bluebell in April 2010
And now we sit in utter Bliss Ensonced in historical Dunblane Fairy Fawn paints on and on And I just sit, dismiss All negativity, anything dark I know that light will disperse the unhelpful hearse darkness, death and dour ways Disolve in the sun this late spring morn Let Bees Browse among the Heather Blooms Like love now maturing from twenty-eight days to a year and day 4th of the 4th 2012