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Roger Turner - Poet
May 2012
Make a Change
If you want to make a change
Stray a little from the norm
Be the first to rearrange
And be the one who fuels the storm
Never like the status quo
Go as far as life allows
Always try or....you'll never know
don't wait till then...just do it now
The world is waiting for your input
It's spinning round for all to see
To take a step you move just one foot
That single step will set you free
Take a stand and be aggressive
Don't sit back and wait and hide
The world takes note of who's progressive
Not just who sit on the side
Start a movement, force the action
set the bar and set it high
Make the move, not a reaction
Tee the ball and let it fly
If you wait for things to happen
You'll be always in the back
Tap your toes and fingers snappin'
Positive...you must attack
If you want to make things better
Be the one who's in the front
Swing real hard right at the letters
Make it so and lead the hunt
You have to be a bit abnormal
To take the lead and be the one
Be slightly mad and more informal
Pull the trigger on that gun
The world is great 'cause you are in it
Leave your mark before you die
You never know if you will win it
But, you'll never know...if you don't try!!
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Roger Turner - Poet
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