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Jun 2017
Van Halen
a young kid running the streets of California
Brother Alex playing on the pots & pans
In time young Eddie bought a guitar
hoping in his heart he'll go far

Although from that scene many years had passed
still having every reason to grasp,
A deep aura of musical talent intact
Soon a band was formed with Diamond Dave, Alex, Michael & Ed

what was going on inside his head
flirting with drugs along his path
Working so hard anyone else would have a heart attack
Eruption on stage with the wailing of his guitar 1984

Still time had passed and the parting of the ways with Diamond Dave
Out of sadness there was new gladness with Sammy singing lead
A break up with Valerie Bertenelli yet out came son Wolfie
Hitting the streets again a brief excursion

A band with a talent unmatched still another parting of ways
Then it was Mr. Cherona that fell apart at the seems to extreme
Looking back today the band went all the way
Shooting to the stars a reunited band with Diamond Dave again

Perhaps it's best to hold our breath and count to the number ten ?
Eddie was and still is my biggest inspiration
Now is a good time for the band to take a break on a long vacation.
Mario William Vitale
Written by
Mario William Vitale  48/M/Wolcott, Ct
(48/M/Wolcott, Ct)   
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