Sometimes I wonder About the state of things It is my opinion That no one Should ever Have to worry About sitting out In the cold Sitting out in the rain Sitting without food Without a name Without a voice Living from day to day Not knowing when Their next meal will come When there is more than enough For people to have There are more than enough homes That are sitting That are not being used There is more than enough clothes There is more than enough food There is more than enough space There is more than to give every one a share If we just gave what we had Instead of hoarding it We spend so much time Trying to separate ourselves From the people From the pain of the world People are crying out They are crying out for justice People want to be free Free to dream without persecution To feel like their lives actually mean something To not have to want To not have to worry To be able to live in abundance Sharing and giving ourselves And living in harmony And communion With each other And with the Earth