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Roger Turner - Poet
May 2012
Have My People Call Your People
Lunch was done, decisons made
the table cleared, the bill was paid
Final words were spoken
And none more truer than..
Have your people call my people
And we'll do this again.
They went back to the office
And they thought, hey he was right
I'll have my people call his people
And we'll hit the bar tonight
Funny how a line like that
Can set one's mindset soaring
Sitting down and making plans
It sure broke up the boring
Afteroon ahead, that each of them could see
But going out again that night
Well, then they would be free
Wives at home, while they were out
Drinking, flirting...what the hey
The ony question left now
Was which of them would pay?
But as one's folk called the others
And the plans were carved in stone
They would finish out their day
And then they would head home
They'd have "my people call your people"
And plan a meeting late
They would do it on the sly
It would be their watergate
But, people being people
Their plans were overheard
By a coniving young new intern
And she wrote down every word
Since she was one of the people
She started making calls
Phoning every number of every wife
This woman sure had *****
She told them how "the people"
planned to go out after work
How their family type duties
Each one had planned to shirk
So these people called their people
And made plans of their own
They would keep it all a secret
Until the men got home
Men forget that wives have people
And that their people kind of rule
When the men all try to hide stuff
By doing stuff that isn't cool
The men, all smug and smiling
Thinking of the fun to ahead
Would walk on in their house
And stay until the kids were all in bed
Then their people would start calling
Making sure the lie was told
About that late night meeting
At a bar where beer was cold
But, that coniving young new intern
Making calls to all the wives
Had laid out every detail
Had ruined all their lives
As each man sat for dinner
Thinking of what the night would bring
At each house, just 5 minutes in
Every phone would ring
It was her people calling people
Telling each wife where to meet
They would have to leave the husbands
And they would not be so discreet
For their people all called people
And the men's plans all were blown
As the women went out drinking
And left the men at home
So next time when your people
Call and plan things on the side
Make sure your intern isn't there
Or else your plans are fried
I'll have my people phone your people
And we'll get together soon
But in order that we pull it off
We'll have to leave at noon.
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Thelma Hunt
Roger Turner - Poet
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