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Jun 2017
I feel it in the air,
I feel it in my bones,
I feel it in my heart…
something is shifting.
Something is changing,
something is coming,
It’s like nothing I have ever seen…
it’s already making me blissfully happy.

I feel it in my eyes.
My vision is no longer fuzzy, nor is it disturbed by the cloudy days.
I am beginning to sing in the rain,
and I have always despised getting wet.
Even the rain is now my friend.

I feel it in my lips, they are no longer chafed by loneliness..
They are beginning to smile again.
They are beginning to desire someone to softly press against them.

I feel it in my body.
It’s beginning to engulf itself in music again.
It’s moving to the rhythm of hope,
embracing faith to the tune of courage,
taking a two-step dance in expectation of what’s to come.

Yeah, I feel it in the air.
I feel my heart releasing anguish and pain.
I feel it rejoicing in each beat again.
I feel it singing a song…..
oh, you have been so strong,
Oh, you’re time is due,
Oh you have been so brave
It’s time to live again.

Oh, I feel it….
I don’t know what it is…
But here I am,
with all the humility in my being,
Thank you
…………..I have been waiting a long time!

Written by
Leydis  41/F/NYC
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