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May 2017
I've noticed the saddest days of my life have frequently been accompanied by heavy rainfall. It's almost like all of heaven is crying with me, or showering me with the grace to cry alone. Either way or neither way, I am grateful that the clouds darken my face as the tears flow unrelentlessly. Pouring pain from my soul to ready for more. The more the tears flow, the deeper the pain grows. Is there no end? Tears overwhelm me like a flood. Gasping for air in the pit of loneliness. Groping at the walls of hopelessness only to have it slip through my fingers and cover me with its sludge. To feel loved and hated by the same. To be looked upon in utter disdain. To be silenced in words that cut out the fight. To be defeated and left all alone with a self I can hardly condone. The loathing without has now turned within and grows with each breath I take. A smile will create the mask to wear that hides the pain inside. They'll never know the darkness yet grows until I am swallowed within. The sound of the break as strong as a quake that shudders the walls of its part. Tear asunder the thoughts I now ponder grinding them all to a halt. Where is the light that once was so bright it blinded the eyes that would see? How can I face how pain has erased the light that once was in me? The tears fail to wash the darkness away but instead leave a river of blood. Flowing from what was once my heart and is now a soul-wrenching flood. Good-bye heart and all that you feel I wish not to feel you again. Break from your place of utter disgrace and shatter with all of your pride. Crumble and fall for once and for all leaving no pain inside.
Written by
Carolyn Denise Rogers  Georgia
   Lior Gavra
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