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Roger Turner - Poet
Apr 2012
The Street #5...Conversations On A Hill
It's not a long walk from the chapel to the bench
It's a peaceful walk along the gravel trail
You can look out in the distance, past the cliffs out to the sea
And on most days you can even see a sail
There's a gentle scent of heather on the trail as you walk by
It's so calming as it works upon my mind
I've seen so many places as I've travelled on this earth
And this one is one time has left behind.
There's a small tree standing near the cliff just a little further up
It has blossoms that blow down onto the shore
You can sit by it and wonder as the blossoms filter down
How much beauty can one's senses yet endure?
The grass is green as ever, like it's painted and not grown
But it smells just as fresh as fresh can be
With all these scents and visions here impacting on my mind
And this view that's just a beach and the blue sea
There's no one else around here as I sit silent on the bench
And that's nice for it gives us time to talk
There's birds out in the distance making noises in the air
And I can listen as they fly about and squak
The flowers by the path edge almost hide among the ferns
You can see them but you're not so sure they're there
The grounds are so pure perfect, that you can't believe their real
They are something, in a place so truly rare,
You can hear music in the background from the Church back up the path
At a volume that just says "I am here"
It's an extra added bonus to this sweet pastoral scene
Like Brigadoon, I feel soon will disappear
The fog is rolling in now and the tide is coming too
There's clouds there and I haven't got much time
But, I'll stay a little longer sitting quiet on the bench
To not share this with another truly is a crime,
I think I'll take my leave now and start on out for home
It's really nice here and I know you'd like the view
I'll be back again tomorrow to chat some more again
All that's missing is sharing this with you
So, I'll leave these garden flowers on your stone here by the bench
They're for you dear, now I hear the waves crash on the shore,
We will speak again tomorrow when I come by once again
For dear I miss you and I will forever more.
Written by
Roger Turner - Poet
Cindy Toth
Thelma Hunt
Roger Turner - Poet
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